Apprication Letters
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) , has been registered under the Public Trust Act. (Reg.No.1882/1878/NORTH/VOL/2901) & Societies Act. (Reg. No. 1860/ROS/NORTH/091/2010) Government of India National Capital Territory New Delhi, working in different fields of Programme and Commercial training conducted by the Central Government and State Government to approach every class of the Societies. All courses of Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) Recognized by the Human Resource & Development - Department of Higher Education Government of India . The Institute is Also registered from the Industrial Department to conduct the various technical programs under the Government Schemes.
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) Appreciated by President, Vice President, Prime Minister, home Minister, Law & justice Minister, Defence Minister, finance Minister, hrd Minister, communication and information technology Minister, Railway Minister, Corporate Affairs Minister, Minority Affairs Minister, Social Justice & Empowerment Minister, Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Minister, Labour & Employment Minister, All State Governor and All State Chief Minister.
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) has been registered by Directorate of DIC - MSME Government of Rajasthan (Reg. No. EM/00819/080302100819/2011) from Ministry of MSME Government of India
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) has been registered NGO Partnership System (Reg. No. RJ/2013/0056856) from Planning Commission Government of India
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) has been registered Guide Star India (Reg. No. 1329333132/2014) from Guide Star India Government of India
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) The Name & Logo Registered Trademarks Act -1999 Section 23 (2) Rule 62 (1) (Class 41-TM No. 2241211 Pro.Code.1309799) Register by Ministry of Commerce & Industry Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks Government of India.
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) Provided Courses have been Registered under CR Act By the Ministry of Human Resource Development - Department of Higher Education Government of India
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) Is The Organization Who Have Been Member of Quality Council of India. An Educational Institution Certificate (Membership No.ORG/SCH/NR/265) Awarded by Quality Council of India
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) Is The Organization Who Have Been Member of Computer Society of India. An Educational Institution Certificate (Membership No. 101896) Awarded by Computer Society of India
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) Is The Organization In The Country Who Have Been Awarded The Prestigious An I.S.O 9001:2008 Certification Awarded By JAS-ANZ (Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand) Registration No. PCMS/QMS/3140 – 2011
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) Books provided by Navodaya Publication have been Copyrighted by The Ministry of Human Resource Development - Department of Higher Education, Registered by Government of India
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) According to the Ministry of Human Affairs. Govt. of India Notification No. 26/4/52 CC Dated. 20.09.1952 issued in consultation. with the union public service commission. That in the case of Degree /Diploma awarded by Board/University city in India. Which are in carporated by one act? of central of Part B state legislature in India. No formal orders reorganization such. Degree/ Diploma need be issued by Government. such Degree should be Recognized Automatically for the Purpose of employment.
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) Under Human Right Protection Act 1993 autonomous bodies have been given Special & Consideration. (for further details refer air 1993 Sc 2178)
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) According to Govt. of India National Education Policy. 1986 is one of the best autonomous Societies of India.
Navodaya Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) was inspired by the Govt. of India's Human Resources Development Minister Mr. Madhav Rao Sindhia. Who was introduced bill for first time?
Corporate Member: Nsc Set Up By Ministry Of Labor And Employment Govt. Of India
The Board is established for development of education under the guidelines of national education policy 1986 and programme of action 1992 Govt. of India respectively.
It has been constituted to regulate non formal Education and other vocational Courses, Certificate/Diploma /PG. Diploma (Under Self Employment Education Scheme) in India. With the help of educational experts to educate uneducated boys, girls, men and women for up lift ment of the literacy in India. So that they can serve Societies effectively and with dignity. Board may impart education with international techniques and with stress on moral, mental, physical and social personality.
Like all educational boards/Universities ours is also an autonomous body. Each educational organization Acts on its own discretionary powers. According to these powers every board / university / state Govts. / Central Govt. of India has the liberty and right to take its own decision either to allow orrefuse any admission / service. But we do our best to make success the non formal education programme. All the education programme run by the board is board's own autonomous education programme. Legality, Validity, Utility of the education programme is strict conformity with the constitution of India and law of the land under Article 19(1)G, 29 & 30.